What’s in your house dust? Study Participants Wanted
July 7, 2015
Do you live in Northern California?
Are you planning to buy a new couch or swap out your old foam cushions for new, flame retardant-free furnishings before November, 2016?
If so, you may be eligible to participate in an exciting study.
In collaboration with UC Davis, Silent Spring Institute, and Environmental Working Group, we want to measure the change in household levels of flame retardants after removing furniture or foam products that contain flame retardants. Our question is: does household exposure go down after the old foam is removed?
More details are found on the flyer to the right. Click to enlarge.
For more information, call 1-855-729-4430 or email [email protected].
Study participants will also have the opportunity to join a related study conducted by Biomonitoring California to measure the change in flame retardant levels in their blood and urine after they swap out their foam or furniture. This should provide new and important information on how long flame retardants remain in our bodies after the source of exposure is removed.