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See our archive of newsletters dating back to 2015.
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September 2024: Scientists Spoke, Lawmakers Listened

In this edition:

  • Are These Wipes on Your Kid’s Back-to-School List?
  • When Scientists Raise an Alarm, Policymakers Listen
  • Dirty Batteries for Clean Energy?
  • Small PFAS, Big Concerns
  • Green Science Policy Institute in the News
  • Calendar

July 2024 : Safer Sedans, Sodas, & Shopping

In this edition:

  • New Blog: Washing the Outdoors with Harmful Disinfectants?
  • Dirty Chemicals Don’t Belong in Clean Energy Solutions
  • We All Scream for Sunscreen: Part II
  • Simpler Safer Shopping
  • Green Science Policy Institute in the News
  • Calendar

June 2024: Cars, Chemicals, & Coverups

In this edition:

  • Safe & Sustainable: Powdered or Liquid Laundry Soap?
  • Whack-A-Mole or Chemical Management?
  • Flame Retardant Usage in Furniture Increases Smoke- Related Casualties
  • Decades of Secrets at 3M
  • FDA Seeks Comments on Fluorinated Plastic Food Packaging
  • Green Science Policy Institute in the News
  • Calendar

May 2024: Cancer-Causing Chemicals in Cars?

In this edition:

  • You're Breathing Carcinogens Inside Your Car
  • How to Keep Gyms Both Clean & Healthy
  • Neurotoxic Chemicals in the Fluid around our Brains
  • Check Out Our New PFAS Resource
  • Green Science Policy Institute in the News
  • Calendar

April 2024: TODAY – PFAS Pollution Prevented by the President!

In this edition:

  • PBDE Furniture Flame Retardant Linked to Four Times Higher Cancer Mortality
  • Keeping Gyms Clean & Healthy
  • AFFF No More
  • Peregrine Falcons Expose Lasting Harms of Flame Retardant Use
  • Green Science Policy Institute in the News
  • Calendar

February 2024: Science and Policy Wins Again...and Again

In this edition:

  • Soap & Water are Best
  • Healthier Homes Following Furniture Flammability Standard Update
  • Chemical Industry Shenanigans in the Hoosier State
  • Airborne PFAS Flying Under the Radar
  • Update: Are Forever Chemicals Hiding in Your Makeup?
  • Green Science Policy Institute in the News
  • Calendar

January 2024: Chemical Conversations at the Capital

In this edition:

  • Disinfection Products in Gyms: Health or Harm?
  • The Staggering Cost of the Six Classes
  • More PFAS Uses Uncovered
  • Are the Six Classes in Your Body?
  • Childhood Leukemia Linked to PFAS Exposure
  • Green Science Policy Institute in the News
  • Calendar

November 2023: Extinguishing Toxics, Igniting Change

In this edition:

  • UN: North Carolina PFAS Pollution a Human Rights Violation
  • Healthy Holiday Shopping Guide
  • Flame Retardant Soda?!
  • Global Policymaking Needs to be Protected from Vested Interests
  • Green Science Policy Institute in the News
  • Calendar

October 2023: Why Fireproof Tents, Turtles & Tigers?

In this edition:

  • Turtles, Tigers, & Bears Plagued with Flame Retardants
  • Healthier Tents Coming Soon
  • Perils of a Plastic Planet
  • Short Chain PFAS in Our Products, Our Homes, & in Us
  • VIDEO: Update on Europe’s PFAS Proposal
  • Green Science Policy Institute in the News
  • Calendar

September 2023: Gimme (NonToxic) Shelter

In this edition:

  • How to Enjoy Your Pumpkin Spice Latte Without Toxics
  • Horrors of the Deep: Our Toxic Legacy Still Haunts Us
  • Kitchenware Deceptions
  • A Colorful PCB Problem
  • Reading for Scientists
  • Green Science Policy Institute in the News
  • Calendar

August 2023: The Six Classes are in Session

In this edition:

  • Update on QACs in Gyms
  • Intruder Alert: PFAS Found Aboard the International Space Station
  • Are There Batteries in Your Smoke Detector?
  • PFAS Regulation Roundup
  • Useful Resources on Our Websites
  • Green Science Policy Institute in the News

July 2023: Are you snoopy? Help us out.

In this edition:

  • Share With Us: Does Your Gym Use QACs?
  • Most Research on PFAS Harms Is Unpublicized
  • Great Videos on PFAS Industry Deception
  • Help Reduce PFAS in Europe: Comments Needed
  • Green Science Policy Institute in the News
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