The Flame Retardant & PFAS Dilemma 2020

When: February 7, 2020
Where: Banatao Auditorium, 330 Sutardja Dai Hall, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, California, USA
9:00am Policy and Purchasing Change on PFAS: What’s Sticking?
Arlene Blum
UC Berkeley, Green Science Policy Institute
Tackling Toxics: The Six Class Concept is Catching On
Anna Kärrman
Professor, Örebro University, Sweden
Human and Environmental Exposure to PFAS
Anna Reade
Staff Scientist, Natural Resources Defense Council
California on PFAS: Gaining Momentum
Malene Teller Blume
Quality manager & Social Compliance, COOP Denmark
The Super Market: How Coop Denmark led national changes on PFAS
Jane Muncke
Managing Director, Food Packaging Forum, Switzerland
Healthy Food Packaging: Human and Environmental Considerations
Pete Myers
Board Chair and Chief Scientist, Environmental Health Sciences
Yet Another Widespread Source of PFAS: Artificial Turf
PFAS panel and discussion with morning speakers
12:00pm Audience Introductions and Lunch
What’s Next for Toxics?
Keynote Speaker: Jared Blumenfeld
Secretary for Environmental Protection, Cal EPA
My Vision for a Healthy Environment in California
Tony Spaniola
Need Our Water (NOW)
From PBB to PFAS: A Personal Journey
Watch the Trailer for No Defense
Joe Charbonnet
Staff Scientist, Green Science Policy Institute
(I Want to Be in) The Room where It Happens: Private Code Making
Graham Peaslee
Professor, University of Notre Dame
Flame Retardants, PFAS, and Firefighters