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Important research & policy updates, and work from our Institute

Scientists Affirm PFAS Should be Managed as a Class

Support for managing per- and polyfluorinated substances (PFAS) as a class is burgeoning, and producers of these “forever chemicals” are scrambling to mount a defense.

Organophosphate Esters in Drinking Water: Prevention and Removal

Organophosphate esters (OPEs) are some of the most commonly used flame retardants in consumer products today, especially electronics.

Scientists Rebuff Industry-Funded Efforts to Weaken PFOA Health Protections

I recently attended a Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry North America meeting focused entirely on per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS).

Sinister Synergists

Synergist chemicals keep a low profile, but they are a crucial part of flame retardants’ act: Think of them as Teller to flame retardants’ Penn.

GSP Launches

GSP is proud to launch!

History Highlight: When Superheroes Fought Toxics

The Avengers franchise has stolen the superhero spotlight lately, but not long ago, heroes wore lab coats, not capes.

A Huge Success for Healthier Buildings

On January 16, the California Building Standards Commission voted unanimously to update the state’s building codes to allow below-grade use of foam plastic building insulation without flame retardants.

Congress opens the door for fluorine-free firefighting foams

On October 5, federal legislation was enacted which will allow commercial airports in the U.S. to use firefighting foams without PFAS.

On America Recycles Day, What Goes Around Comes Around, & It Might Be Toxic

Thursday, November 15 is America Recycles Day, when we celebrate the individuals, recycling companies, and governments that are diverting millions of pounds of materials otherwise headed to landfills.

Aerial fire retardants: It’s raining red

A wet winter followed by record heat this summer have contributed to one of California’s worst-ever fire seasons.