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Important research & policy updates, and work from our Institute

Flame retardants in 3D: A clearer picture of their harmful ways

The harmful effects of bisphenol A (more commonly known as BPA) have been widely publicized lately.

Are flame retardants the secret ingredient in your home-cooked meals?

A new study has found that brominated flame retardants are present in black thermo cups and kitchen utensils bought in Europe.

Ten years later, flame retardant ban good news for baby

A new study published today in Environmental Science & Technology has some good news for a change.

World sees the light and bans HBCD. US stays in the dark.

In a historic decision, over 100 governments from around the world have agreed to list HBCD (hexabromocyclododecane) for global elimination.

Upcoming workshop on PCBs in schools

More than 700 New York City public schools are believed to contain PCB-containing lighting fixtures and/or PCB containing caulk/sealants.

Dangerous inheritance: When chemicals pass from mom to baby

I can only imagine the joy parents must feel when they look at their baby’s face and see something of themselves in it.

“Cocktail effect” is greater than the sum of its parts

A knife on its own is nothing to worry about. The same goes for an electrical socket. But put them together and you’ve got trouble.

Opposition to proposed federal furniture standard is LOUD and CLEAR

The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) recently issued a notice that they are considering an open flame flammability standard which could lead to the use of more flame retardants in our nation’s furniture.

Double jeopardy: firefighters face physical and chemical threats

Running into burning buildings puts firefighters in immediate and obvious danger.

First-in-the-nation report on chemicals in kids’ products

Recently, my niece and nephew stopped by a neighborhood street fair.