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Important research & policy updates, and work from our Institute

Yet another “candle” standard for TV enclosures rejected in Europe

Based in part on the hard work of our coalition this April, Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Spain, Finland, France, UK, Italy, Sweden, Greece and the Czech Republic rejected yet another “candle” standard which would have led to flame retardant chemicals in the enclosures around televisions without a fire safety benefit.

Possible connection between flame retardants and autism in animal study

A new study from UC Davis found that female mice exposed to a component of the pentaBDE flame retardant in the womb showed changes in their brains, impaired learning, memory and reduced sociability as adults.

Flame retardants transferred at high levels to baby whales

A new study from University of Victoria found that arctic beluga whales transferred about 11% of their polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) and polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) blubber burden to their near-term fetuses.

Children’s protection from vaccines weakened by halogenated chemical exposure

In a paper published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, Philippe Grandjean, et al. found that perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) may reduce children’s protection from vaccinations.

New research finds association between cat hyperthyroid disease and flame retardant levels in dust

An informative new study of 72 cats by Mensching, et al. confirmed that domestic cats have high concentrations of PBDE flame retardants in their blood.

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