Institute scientists publish widely-read and highly-cited articles in a variety of industry, governmental, and scientific publications
- Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications
- White Papers and Position Statements
- Publications from Meetings and Conferences
- Op-Eds and Other Publications
Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications
Liu, X., Xiong, Y., Gou, X., Zhao, L., Wang, S., Wei, Y., Fan, X., Yu, Y., Blum, A., Jahl, L., Diamond, M.L., Du, Y., Zhang, Z., Jiang, S., Zhang, X., Wu, T. & Chen, D. (2025). Environmental Impacts of Polymeric Flame Retardant Breakdown. Nat Sustain.
Jahl, L. G., Miller, J. M., Shalin, A., Soehl, A., Spentzos, A. Z., Diamond, M. L., & Blum, A. (2025). High Potential Harm, Questionable Fire-Safety Benefit: Why Are Flame Retardants in Lithium-Ion Battery Enclosures?. Environmental science & technology, 59(5), 2344–2347.
Hoehn, R. M., Jahl, L. G., Herkert, N. J., Hoffman, K., Soehl, A., Diamond, M. L., Blum, A., Stapleton, H. M. (2024). Flame Retardant Exposure in Vehicles Is Influenced by Use in Seat Foam and Temperature. Environmental Science & Technology,
Fuoco, R. E., Kwiatkowski, C. F., Birnbaum, L. S., Blum, A. (2023). Effective Communications Strategies to Increase the Impact of Environmental Health Research. Environmental Health 22, 47
Arnold, W. A., Blum, A., Branyan, J., Bruton, T. A., Carignan, C. C., Cortopassi, G., Datta, S., DeWitt, J., Doherty, A.-C., Halden, R. U., Harari, H., Hartmann, E. M., Hrubec, T. C., Iyer, S., Kwiatkowski, C. F., LaPier, J., Li, D., Li, L., Ortiz, J. G. M., Salamova, A., Schettler, T., Seguin, R.P., Soehl, A., Sutton, R., Xu, L., Zheng, G. (2023). Quaternary Ammonium Compounds: A Chemical Class of Emerging Concern. Environmental Science & Technology, 57, 7645–7665.
Kutarna, S., Du, X., Diamond, M. L., Blum, A., & Peng, H. (2023). Widespread presence of chlorinated paraffins in consumer products. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 25(5), 893–900.
Schwartz-Narbonne, H., Xia, C., Shalin, A., Whitehead, H. D., Yang, D., Peaslee, G. F., Wang, Z., Wu, Y., Peng, H., Blum, A., Venier, M., & Diamond, M. L. (2023). Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in Canadian Fast Food Packaging. Environmental Science and Technology Letters, 10, 349.
LaPier, J., Blum, A., Brown, B. R., F. Kwiatkowski, C., Phillips, B., Ray, H., & Sun, G. (2023). Evaluating the Performance of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substance Finishes on Upholstery Fabrics. AATCC Journal of Research, 10(4), 205–213.
Bǎlan, S. A., Andrews, D. Q., Blum, A., Diamond, M. L., Rojello Fernández, S., Harriman, E., Lindstrom, A. B., Reade, A., Richter, L., Sutton, R., Wang, Z., & Kwiatkowski, C. F. (2023). Optimizing Chemicals Management in the United States and Canada through the Essential-Use Approach. Environmental Science & Technology, 57, 4, 1568-1575.
Xia, C., Diamond, M.L., Peaslee, G.F., Peng, H., Blum, A., Wang, Z., Shalin, A., Whitehead, H.D., Green, M., Schwartz-Narbonne, H., Yang, D., Venier, M. (2022) Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in North American School Uniforms. Environmental Science & Technology, 56, 19, 13845-13857.
Ducatman, A., LaPier, J., Fuoco, R., DeWitt, J. (2022) Official health communications are failing PFAS-contaminated communities. Environmental Health 21, 51.
Minet, L., Wang, Z., Shalin, A., Bruton, T.A., Blum, A., Peaslee, G.F., Schwartz-Narbonne, H., Venier, M., Whitehead, H., Wu, Y. and Diamond, M.L., (2022) Use and release of per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in consumer food packaging in US and Canada. Environmental science. Processes & impacts.
Rodgers, K.M., Bennett, D., Moran, R., Knox, K., Stoiber, T., Gill, R., Young, T.M., Blum, A., Dodson, R.E. (2021). Do flame retardant concentrations change in dust after older upholstered furniture is replaced? Environment International, 153, Aug 2021, 106513.
Whitehead, H., Venier, M., Wu, Y., Eastman, E., Urbanik, S., Diamond, M. L., Shalin, A., Schwartz-Narbonne, H., Bruton, T. A., Blum, A., Wang, Z., Green, M., Tighe, M., Wilkinson, J. T., McGuinness, S., & Peaslee, G. F. (2021). Fluorinated Compounds in North American Cosmetics. Environmental Science & Technology Letters.
Patisaul, H. B., Behl, M., Birnbaum, L. S., Blum, A., Diamond, M. L., Rojello Fernández, S., Hogberg, H. T., Kwiatkowski, C. F., Page, J. D., Soehl, A., & Stapleton, H. M. (2021). Beyond Cholinesterase Inhibition: Developmental Neurotoxicity of Organophosphate Ester Flame Retardants and Plasticizers. Environmental Health Perspectives, 129(10), 105001.
Morales-McDevitt, M.E., Becanova, J., Blum, A., Bruton, T.A., Vojta, S., Woodward, M., & Lohmann, R. (2021). The Air That We Breathe: Neutral and Volatile PFAS in Indoor Air. Environmental Science & Technology Letters, 8, 10, 897-902.
Minet, L., Blum, A., Fernández, S.R., Rodgers, K.M., Singla, V., Soehl, A., Diamond, M.L. (2021) High Production, Low Information: We Need To Know More About Polymeric Flame Retardants. Environmental Science & Technology, 55, 6, 3467-3469.
Kwiatkowski, C. F., Andrews, D. Q., Birnbaum, L. S., Bruton, T. A., DeWitt, J. C., Knappe, D. R., ... & Soehl, A, Blum, A. (2021). Response to “Comment on Scientific Basis for Managing PFAS as a Chemical Class”. Environmental Science & Technology Letters.
ES&T Letters Best Paper Award 2020
Kwiatkowski, C. F., Andrews, D. Q., Birnbaum, L. S., Bruton, T. A., DeWitt, J. C., Knappe, D. R., ... & Soehl, A, Blum, A. (2020). Scientific basis for managing PFAS as a chemical class. Environmental Science & Technology Letters, 7(8), 532-543.
Muncke, J., Andersson, AM., Fernández, S.R., Kwiatkowski, C.F., et al. (2020) Impacts of food contact chemicals on human health: a consensus statement. Environ. Health, 19(25).
Wu, Y., Romanak, K., Bruton, T., Blum, A., & Venier, M. (2020). Per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances in paired dust and carpets from childcare centers. Chemosphere, 251 (126771).
De Silva, A. O., Armitage, J. M., Bruton, T. A., Dassuncao, C., Heiger‐Bernays, W., Hu, X. C., ... & Sun, M. (2020). PFAS exposure pathways for humans and wildlife: A synthesis of current knowledge and key gaps in understanding. Environ. Toxicol. Chem.
Charbonnet, J., Weber, R., & Blum, A., (2020). Flammability standards for furniture, building insulation and electronics: Benefit and risk. Emerging Contaminants.
Haines, S. R., Adams, R. I., Boor, B. E., Bruton, T. A., Downey, J., Ferro, A. R., ... & Dannemiller, K. C. (2020). Ten questions concerning the implications of carpet on indoor chemistry and microbiology. Building and environment, 170, 106589.
Blum, A., Behl, M., Birnbaum, L. S., Diamond, M. L., Phillips, A., Singla, V., ... & Venier, M. (2019). Organophosphate ester flame retardants: are they a regrettable substitution for polybrominated diphenyl ethers?. Environmental science & technology letters, 6(11), 638-649.
Lucas, D., Petty, S. M., Keen, O., Luedeka, B., Schlummer, M., Weber, R., Yazdani, R., Riise, B., Rhodes, J., Nightingale, D., Diamond, M. L., Vijgen, J., Lindeman, A., Blum, A., & Koshland, C. P. (2018). Methods of Responsibly Managing End-of-Life Foams and Plastics Containing Flame Retardants: Part II. Environmental engineering science, 35(6), 588–602.
Lucas, D., Petty, S. M., Keen, O., Luedeka, B., Schlummer, M., Weber, R., Barlaz, M., Yazdani, R., Riise, B., Rhodes, J., Nightingale, D., Diamond, M. L., Vijgen, J., Lindeman, A., Blum, A., & Koshland, C. P. (2018). Methods of Responsibly Managing End-of-Life Foams and Plastics Containing Flame Retardants: Part I. Environmental engineering science, 35(6), 573–587.
Bruton, T. A., & Blum, A. (2017). Proposal for coordinated health research in PFAS-contaminated communities in the United States. Environmental Health, 16(1), 1-6.
Schaider, L. A., Balan, S. A., Blum, A., Andrews, D. Q., Strynar, M. J., Dickinson, M. E., ... & Peaslee, G. F. (2017). Fluorinated compounds in US fast food packaging. Environmental science & technology letters, 4(3), 105-111.
Hu, X. C., Andrews, D. Q., Lindstrom, A. B., Bruton, T. A., Schaider, L. A., Grandjean, P., ...Blum, A.; Balan, S. A.... & Sunderland, E. M. (2016). Detection of poly-and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in US drinking water linked to industrial sites, military fire training areas, and wastewater treatment plants. Environmental science & technology letters, 3(10), 344-350.
Maley, A. M., Falk, K. A., Hoover, L., Earlywine, E. B., Seymour, M. D., DeYoung, P. A., ... Blum, A.; Stapleton, H. M, & Peaslee, G. F. (2015). Detection of halogenated flame retardants in polyurethane foam by particle induced X-ray emission. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 358, 21-25.
Babrauskas, V., Lucas, D., Eisenberg, D., Singla, V., Dedeo, M., & Blum, A. (2012). Flame retardants in building insulation: a case for re-evaluating building codes. Building Research & Information, 40(6), 738-755.
Stapleton, H. M., Sharma, S., Getzinger, G., Ferguson, P. L., Gabriel, M., Webster, T. F., & Blum, A. (2012). Novel and high volume use flame retardants in US couches reflective of the 2005 PentaBDE phase out. Environmental science & technology, 46(24), 13432-13439.
Babrauskas, V., Blum, A., Daley, R., & Birnbaum, L. (2011). Flame retardants in furniture foam: benefits and risks. Fire Safety Science, 10, 265-278.
ES&T's Top Paper of 2011
Stapleton, H. M., Klosterhaus, S., Keller, A., Ferguson, P. L., Van Bergen, S., Cooper, E., ... & Blum, A. (2011). Identification of flame retardants in polyurethane foam collected from baby products. Environmental Science & Technology, 45(12), 5323-5331.
Shaw S. D.; Blum, A.; Weber, R.; Kannan, K.; Rich, D.; Lucas, D.; Koshland, C. P.; Dobraca, D.; Hanson, S.; Birnbaum, L. S. (2010). Halogenated flame retardants: do the fire safety benefits justify the risks?. Reviews on environmental health, 25(4), 261-306.
Ahn, K. C., Gee, S. J., Tsai, H. J., Bennett, D., Nishioka, M. G., Blum, A., ... & Hammock, B. D. (2009). Immunoassay for monitoring environmental and human exposure to the polybrominated diphenyl ether BDE-47. Environmental science & technology, 43(20), 7784-7790.
Stapleton, H. M., Klosterhaus, S., Eagle, S., Fuh, J., Meeker, J. D., Blum, A., & Webster, T. F. (2009). Detection of organophosphate flame retardants in furniture foam and US house dust. Environmental science & technology, 43(19), 7490-7495.
Blum, A., Gold, M. D., Ames, B. N., Kenyon, C., Jones, F. R., Hett, E. A., ... & Thenot, J. P. (1978). Children absorb tris-BP flame retardant from sleepwear: urine contains the mutagenic metabolite, 2, 3-dibromopropanol. Science, 201(4360), 1020-1023.
Gold, M. D., Blum, A., & Ames, B. N. (1978). Another flame retardant, tris-(1, 3-dichloro-2-propyl)-phosphate, and its expected metabolites are mutagens. Science, 200(4343), 785-787.
Blum, A., Smallcombe, S. H., & Baldwin, R. L. (1978). Nuclear magnetic resonance evidence for a structural intermediate at an early stage in the refolding of ribonuclease A. Journal of molecular biology, 118(3), 305-316.
Blum, A.; Ames, B. N. Flame-retardant additives as possible cancer hazards. Science. 1977, 195 (4273), 17-23.
Blum, A., Uhlenbeck, O.C., Tinoco, I. Jr. Circular dichroism study of nine species of transfer ribonucleic acid. Biochemistry. 1972 Aug 15;11(17):3248-56. doi: 10.1021/bi00767a019.
White Papers and Position Statements
Halden, R. U.; Lindeman, A. E.; Aiello, A. E.; Andrews, D.; Arnold, W. A.; Fair, P.; Fuoco, R. E.; Geer, L. A.; Johnson, P. I.; Blum, A.; et al. The Florence Statement on Triclosan and Triclocarban. Environ. Health Perspect. 2017, 125 (6), 064501.
Blum A.; Balan S. A.; Scheringer, M.; Trier, X.; Goldenman, G.; Cousins, I. T.; Diamond, M.; Fletcher, T.; Higgins, C.; Lindeman, A. E.; et al. The Madrid Statement on Poly- and Perfluoroalkyl Substances (PFASs). Environ. Health Perspect. 2015, 123 (5), A107–A111.
Blum, A. The case against candle resistant TVs. Update to 2008 White Paper. 2014.
DiGangi, J.; Blum, A., Bergman, Å.; de Wit, C.; Lucas, D.; Mortimer, D.; Schecter, A.; Scheringer, M.; Shaw, S.D.; Webster, T.F. San Antonio Statement on Brominated and Chlorinated Flame Retardants. Environ. Health Perspect. 2010, 118 (12), A516-A518.
Blum, A. The case against candle resistant electronics. White Paper. 2008.
Publications from Meetings and Conferences
Blum, A.; Daley, R.E.; Babrauskas, V. Regulatory policy leading to halogenated flame retardants in furniture and baby products: Fire safety and health concerns. Organohalogen Compounds (Official journal of the International Dioxin Symposium). 2011, 73: 2032-2035.
Daley, R. E.; Blum, A.; DiGangi, J.; Mortimer, D.; Lucas, D.; Schecter, A.; Scheringer, M.; Shaw, S.; de Wit, C. The San Antonio Statement on Brominated and Chlorinated Flame Retardants: Impacts and potential policy influence. Organohalogen Compounds (Official journal of the International Dioxin Symposium). 2011, 73: 2078-2079.
Blum, A. Flame retardants in furniture: Is there a fire safety benefit? 12th Workshop on Brominated and other Flame Retardants, Boston, USA. 2011.
Shaw, S.D.; Blum, A.; Weber, R.; Kannan, K.; Rich, D.; Lucas, D.; Koshland, C. P.; Dobraca, D.; Hanson, S.; Birnbaum, L. S. Halogenated flame retardants: Do the fire safety benefits justify the risks? Organohalogen Compounds (Official journal of the International Dioxin Symposium). 2010, 73: 2036-2039.
Blum, A.; Shaw, S; Birnbaum, L. PBDEs and their replacements: Does the benefit justify the harm? Organohalogen Compounds (Official journal of the International Dioxin Symposium). 2010, 72: 1296-1301.
Stapleton, H.; Klosterhaus, S.; Blum, A.; Webster, T. Identification of flame retardants in polyurethane foam collected from baby products. 30th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants, San Antonio, United States. 2010.
Daley, R.; Shaw, S.; Birnbaum, L.; Blum, A. It’s all about penta: Informing decision-makers about the properties of penta-BDE and its replacements. Organohalogen Compounds (Official journal of the International Dioxin Symposium). 2010, 72: 1673-1678.
Blum, A. Flame retardants, policy, and public health: past and present. 4th International Conference on the History of Occupational and Environmental Health, San Francisco, United States. 2010.
Klosterhaus, S.; Stapleton, H. M.; La Guardia, M.; Davis, E.; Eagle, S.; Blum, A. Recent studies on the identification an occurrence of PentaBDE replacement chemicals in indoor and outdoor environments. 5th International Symposium on Brominated Flame Retardants, Kyoto, Japan. 2010.
Blum, A.; Birnbaum, L. Halogenated flame retardants in consumer products: Do the fire safety benefits justify the health and environmental risks? 5th International Symposium on Brominated Flame Retardants, Kyoto, Japan. 2010.
Blum, A. Do flame retardants save lives? How peer-reviewed science can impact regulatory decision-making. 11th Annual Workshop on Brominated Flame Retardants, Ottawa, Canada. 2009.
Blum, A. Flame retardants, health, and environment: How peer-reviewed science can impact regulatory decision-making. Organohalogen Compounds (Official journal of the International Dioxin Symposium). 2009, 71: 2322-2327.
Stapleton, H.; Klosterhaus, S.; Eagle, S.; Fuh, J.; Meeker, J.; Blum, A.; Watkins, D.; McClean, M.; Webster, T. Identification of tris (1,3-dichloro-2-propyl) phosphate and other organophosphate flame retardants in U.S. indoor environments. Organohalogen Compounds (Official journal of the International Dioxin Symposium). 2009, 71:1566-1569.
Op-Eds and Commentaries
Rebecca Fuoco, David Rosner, and Gerald Markowitz. California faces an uphill battle against plastic. Los Angeles Times. February 22, 2024.
David Andrews and Lydia Jahl. Chemical crisis: The unseen toxic threat contaminating wildlife worldwide. The Hill. October 28, 2023.
Rebecca Fuoco. Sick Wildlife Exposes the True Risk of Flame-Retardant Chemicals. The Messenger. October 25, 2023.
Carol Kwiatkowski and Anna Soehl. The COVID Emergency Ended, Disinfectant Overuse Should, Too. The Messenger. May 28, 2023.
Rebecca Fuoco, David Rosner, and Gerald Markowitz. Another toxic train derailment will happen if we don’t rein in plastics. Los Angeles Times. March 7, 2023.
Rebecca Fuoco, David Rosner, and Gerald Markowitz. This Deadly Chemical Should Be Banned. New York Times. February 19, 2023.
Carol Kwiatkowski and Simona Balan. How the US can radically improve chemical safety. The Hill. January 25, 2023.
Arlene Blum. Potential harms of Biden's microchip boom. The Hill. December 15, 2022.
Rebecca Fuoco and Arlene Blum. Toxic chemicals are in our clothing. California can stop that. San Francisco Chronicle. September 21, 2022.
Marty Mulvihill, Gretta Goldenman, and Arlene Blum. If we stop burning fossil fuels, will we end up with more plastic and toxic chemicals? New York Times. August 27, 2021.
Rebecca Fuoco. How to get media coverage and boost your science’s impact. Nature. July 28, 2021.
Rebecca Fuoco and Arlene Blum. Time for EPA to come clean on PFAS. The Hill. July 14, 2021.
Arlene Blum and Rebecca Fuoco. Cosmetic chemicals need a makeover. The Hill. June 15, 2021.
Carol Kwiatkowski. PFAS ‘forever chemicals’ are widespread and threaten human health – here’s a strategy for protecting the public. The Conversation. October 9, 2020.
Claudia Polsky, Tim Whitehouse, and Tom Bruton. Hazardous chemicals and government silence — a dangerous mix. The Hill. March 26, 2021.
Tom Bruton and Arlene Blum. 6 Million Americans are drinking contaminated water linked to cancer. The Hill. November 21, 2017.
David Lunderberg. PFOS: The hidden danger in our homes. China Dialogue. August 21, 2017.
Arlene Blum. Tackling toxics. Science. March 11, 2016.
Rebecca Fuoco. Flame retardant troubles attributable to weak chemical regulations. Public Health Reports. August 2011.
Arlene Blum. Sitting safely and comfortably in California. Capitol Weekly. May 5, 2011.
Arlene Blum. Flame retardants are the asbestos of our time. Sacramento Bee. April 28, 2011.
Arlene Blum. Averting another toxics disaster in China. China Environment Series. Issue 11. Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington D.C., United States. 2010
Arlene Blum and Elana Fishman. Averting a California toxics disaster. California Progress Report. March 13, 2009.
Michael Kirshner and Arlene Blum. When product safety and the environment appear to collide: The defeat of the candle flame ignition requirement. Conformity. January 2009.
Arlene Blum. Averting another toxics disaster. China Dialogue. December 17, 2008.
Arlene Blum. Did the state kill my cat? LA Times. October 17, 2008.
Arlene Blum. The fire retardant dilemma. Science (commentary). October 12, 2007.
Arlene Blum. Killer couch chemicals. Huffington Post. August 16, 2007.
Arlene Blum. Chemical burns. New York Times. November 19, 2006.