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See our archive of newsletters dating back to 2015.
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May 2016: A Big Mistake 40 Years Later

In this edition:

  • Michigan children & grandchildren still harmed by PBB disaster from 40 years ago
  • Stain and water repellant chemicals: Is the substitute safer?
  • Our joint work featured in IKEA newsletter
  • Silicone wristbands can help estimate chemical exposure
  • Goldman Environmental Prize

April 2016: Celebrating Ten Years of "Tackling Toxics"

In this edition:

  • What to do with a Flame-Retarded Couch?
  • Tris in my Tent?
  • Switch in Cosmetics Leads to Fast Drop in Teen Girls’ Chemical Exposure
  • Antimicrobials in Health Care Furnishings?
  • Boston Changes Fire Code to Allow Flame Retardant-Free Furniture in Public Spaces

March 2016: The Power of Prevention

In this edition:

  • Remembering Berta Cáceres
  • CBS reporter finds flame retardant “Tris” in daughter’s car seat and body
  • Fluorinated chemicals in the news, from the US to the Land Down Under
  • A perfect storm
  • Are there batteries in your smoke detector?

January 2016: Flame Retardant Dilemma and Beyond

In this edition:

  • Register Now: The Flame Retardant Dilemma and Beyond
  • First the fox designs the henhouse, then gets hired to guard it
  • Poisoning the Well: Toxic Fire Fighting Foam has Contaminated US Drinking Water
  • Big Ideas – Then and Now

October 2015: Don't get spooked - get informed!

In this edition:

  • Defeating the Candle Standard Goblins
  • DuPont Found Liable in Teflon Toxin Trial
  • Come See Us At Greenbuild 2015
  • Out of Sight, but On Our Minds: Flame Retardants in Below Grade Insulation
  • Fireproof Fingernails? Common Flame Retardant Chemical Found in Nail Polish

September 2015: Fluorinated Chemicals Found in Babies: Why?

In this edition:

  • Babies Exposed to Fluorinated Chemicals
  • Health Harm from Drinking Water
  • In the Future, the Best Chemistry Practices Will be Green
  • PentaBDE Flame Retardant, Previously Used in Furniture, Can Cause Cancer

August 2015: More Flame Retardants, Really?

In this edition:

  • Do you watch TV by Candlelight?
  • Prenatal DDT exposure linked to fourfold increase in breast cancer risk
  • The Proof is in the Sewage: Can Harmful Chemicals Move from Sofas to the Environment and Our Bodies?

July 2015: Can we shop our way out?

In this edition:

  • Happiness is a new couch…without flame retardants!
  • Your sofa may be safer, but your insulation is still a PRoblem
  • “Six Classes” retreat contributes to reduced toxics

June 2015: The Roller Coaster of Life

In this edition:

  • New Initiative for Healthy Affordable Housing
  • Strawberry Fields Forever
  • Pop Stop: Fluorinated Chemicals Make News
  • Chemical Industry Insider Comes Clean

May 2015: Trading Health for Waterproof Clothing?

In this edition:

  • The True Cost of Stain Proof Products — Your Health

March 2015: A Big Day for a BIG IDEA

In this edition:

  • Home is where the harm can be -And the BIG IDEA can change that!
  • Safer Sofa Foam Exchange

February 2015: Toxics: It’s a Small World After All

In this edition:

  • Planetary Boundaries: It’s a Small World for Toxics After All
  • When Deciding What to Do with Your Old Couch, Consider the Birds
  • FRs – short for Flame Retardants, and for Fat Rats
  • Flame Retardants May Contribute to Preterm Births
  • Triclosan Promotes Liver Tumor Growth in Mice
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