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See our archive of newsletters dating back to 2015.
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October 2017: Brains in danger?

In this edition:

  • Brains in Danger?
  • Aerial Fire Retardants: It’s Raining Red
  • Highly Fluorinated Hush Puppies?
  • The Obesity Epidemic: Could Chemicals Contribute?
  • Not So Smooth: Toxics in Immersion Blenders
  • The Green Science Policy Institute is Hiring

September 2017: A BIG Day for a Big Idea

In this edition:

  • Home is where the harm can be – And the BIG IDEA can change that!
  • Highlights from DIOXIN 2017
  • Horrors of the Deep: Our Toxic Legacy Still Haunts Us

August 2017: It doesn't have to be that way

In this edition:

  • Some promising PFAS policy news from Washington DC
  • Associations between flame retardant applications in furniture foam
  • Can foam plastic building insulation be used safely without flame retardants?
  • Are there toxic chemicals coating your pet food bag?

June 2017: Buyer Beware: Are you using antimicrobials?

In this edition:

  • Buyer Beware: Antimicrobial Products Can Do More Harm Than Good
  • Are there toxic chemicals coating your pet food bag?
  • Toxic switch: From one harmful flame retardant to another
  • Highly Fluorinated Compounds: Social and Scientific Discovery
  • The Six Classes Approach to Reducing Harmful Chemicals

May 2017: You're invited: Six Classes video launch

In this edition:

  • How to reduce your exposure to highly fluorinated chemicals
  • Do flame retardants increase the risk of thyroid problems?
  • More severe furniture standards may increase health risks
  • From TVs to toys: Toxics from recycled TV casings found in children’s toys

April 2017: Sitting on the Lakefront

In this edition:

  • Flame Retardants Increasing in the Great Lakes
  • Common flame retardants impact kids’ emotional well-being
  • Highly fluorinated chemicals taken up by organs
  • Policy Progress on Highly Fluorinated Chemicals
  • Welcome to Raphael Tingley, Administrative Specialist

February 2017: Consuming Toxic Chemicals with our Fast Food?

In this edition:

  • Dupont to Pay $671 Million Settlement
  • Are Fluorinated Alternatives Really Better?
  • Q: What do deep sea creatures and your house dust have in common? A: Both contain persistent and toxic flame retardant chemicals.
  • No one-size-fits-all solution for responsibly disposing of products containing flame retardants
  • You’re invited: Focus groups on Six Classes videos March 9 or 10

January 2017: Foot Soldiers of Change

In this edition:

  • Towards a Healthier World: Annual Green Science Policy Symposium at UC Berkeley
  • What’s popping in Denmark?
  • DuPont in hot water for dumping Teflon toxics in Ohio River
  • Human experiment: Chemical contamination and breastfeeding
  • Welcome to Tom Bruton, the first Green Science Policy Fellow

November 2016: Fall Back: To a Healthier Home

In this edition:

  • $340 Billion in Health Problems Estimated from Toxic Chemicals
  • Do you have flame retardants in your couch?
  • Who should pay for couch disposal?
  • Home Free of Toxics
  • Six Inches Under
  • Stain-resistant seals?

September 2016: Planes, Trains, and Toxic Chemicals

In this edition:

  • A Circular Economy for a Healthier World
  • Highlights from DIOXIN 2016
  • Day in the Life at Green Science Policy: Veronica Chin
  • From Products to Dust to Us: Two New Studies
  • Doctors and Scientists: Add Your Support to the Florence Statement on Triclosan and Triclocarban

August 2016: Troubled Waters

In this edition:

  • Gymnasts’ High Exposure
  • Breastfeeding, Interrupted
  • Study Participants Wanted: Are Flame Retardants in Your House Dust?
  • Eight Things You Won’t Find at Walmart

July 2016: POPs on Top

In this edition:

  • Landmark Alliance to Prevent “Brain Drain” in Our Children
  • Teflon Toxics in Drinking Water of Millions
  • Flame Retardants Hit California Kids Hardest
  • 40 Years Later, TSCA Gets an Overhaul
  • Bad News on Canned Goods