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See our archive of newsletters dating back to 2015.
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July 2020: Staying Healthy: Chemicals and Coronavirus

In this edition:

  • Class-based Approach Makes Strides in Europe
  • Avoiding both Harmful Antimicrobials and Covid-19
  • Interactive Workshop: Science & Policy of Reducing PFAS in Our World
  • Green Science Policy YouTube Channel

June 2020: Don’t Get Sick While Trying to Stay Well

In this edition:

  • Another Reason to Wash Hands: Flame Retardants
  • A Repeating Story of PFAS Contamination
  • PFAS-Free Shopping
  • Toxicity Comes Standard

May 2020: From the Forest to the Zoom

In this edition:

  • Retreat Day 1: Antimicrobials in the Time of Coronavirus
  • Retreat Day 2: Petrol, Plastic, Poisons
  • Retreat Day 3: PFAS and the Class Concept
  • Chemicals, Children, and Celiac
  • Toxics in Tap Water: Problematic for Water Reuse?

April 2020 : Post-Pandemic World, A Better Place?

In this edition:

  • Good News and Bad News About Carpets
  • Where Does Your Sushi Come From?
  • California Wildlife Doing Well During Shutdown
  • Balancing Health, Fire Safety, and Circularity in Europe

March 2020: Why Soap Works Best

In this edition:

  • Rainy Weather and Rain Jackets: A Toxic Combination?
  • Can We Protect Against Viruses Without Harming our Health?
  • It Takes a Global Village: How Denmark Took Action on PFAS
  • And the Chemical Industry?

February 2020: Better Luck for the Irish?

In this edition:

  • PFAS in Drinking Water: Will California Lead the Way?
  • Material Buyers Club: Our Health Is not for Sale
  • Better Luck (and Furniture) for the Irish?

January 2020: The New Year delivers...

In this edition:

  • Flame Retardant Dilemma and Beyond 2020
  • Our Institute Petitions EPA to Regulate PFAS as Hazardous Wastes
  • European Reforms Rally behind Class Concept
  • Regrettable Substitutions in our Bodies

December 2019: Forecast: Fluorine-Free Flurries

In this edition:

  • Flame Retardant Dilemma and Beyond 2020
  • A Non-Toxic Winter Wonderland?
  • Volatile Voles
  • Sinister Synergists
  • New Flame Retardants, Old Problems
  • Welcome Our Newest Team Member – Candy Kasalo

October 2019: Dark Waters

In this edition:

  • Nothing Lasts Forever, Except PFAS
  • Higher Triclosan Levels in Women Associated with Poor Bone Health
  • Get the Lead Out
  • Is Policy Really Ahead of the Science?
  • Do Chemicals Influence Your Fertility?
  • Welcome Rebecca

September 2019: This is Ridiculous!

In this edition:

  • October 6 Book Party for “Exposure” with Rob Bilott
  • A New Clue to a Mysterious Epidemic
  • From the Pages of Toxics Complicate Water Sustainability
  • Flame Retardant Justifications up in Smoke
  • Are Polymers PFAS?

August 2019: Guinea Pigs?

In this edition:

  • From the Pages of High Fashion, High Performance, High Exposure
  • Are We the Guinea Pigs?
  • Out with the Old
  • UK Parliament Fumes Over Flame Retardants
  • PFAS To-Go

June 2019: Highly Timely

In this edition:

  • Your source for the latest PFAS News
  • Danish Defeat of the Toxic Toys
  • BPA: A High Price to Pay for a Receipt
  • A Bipartisan Congress says: No More PFAS Foams
  • Au Revoir to the Old at Montréal Conference
  • The Six Classes Approach Translated
  • Circular, Reasoned