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See our archive of newsletters dating back to 2015.
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May 2019: Here Today, Here Tomorrow

In this edition:

  • A Tribute to Bob Luedeka
  • Beginning of the End for Forever Chemicals
  • Stuck with the Bill for Non-Stick
  • Houston Waterways Bear the Brunt
  • Please Welcome Our New Science & Policy Fellow, Seth Rojello Fernández

March 2019: A Killer Smile

In this edition:

  • Half the Man Your Granddaddy Was
  • Beauty is Fleeting, but PFAS is Forever
  • A Killer Smile
  • The Immortality that Costs your Health
  • Are Those Flame Retardants Making You Fat?

February 2019: A New Canary in the Coal Mine?

In this edition:

  • Cats on Carpets: A New Canary in the Coal Mine?
  • Europe Votes to Ban Halogenated Flame Retardants
  • Microplastics, Macroproblems
  • Class In Session: States Increasingly Regulating Families of Chemicals
  • Please Welcome Our New Science & Policy Interns, Eric and Alex

January 2019: A Huge Success: Insulation Without Flame Retardants!

In this edition:

  • You are Invited: Green Science Policy Symposium, February 15
  • Bigger Not Always Better for Toxic Chemicals
  • Flame Retardants: Hand-washing & House Cleaning by Anna Soehl
  • PFAS Policy: So Much News! by Tom Bruton
  • Unknown and Unwelcome by Joe Charbonnet
  • Calendar

December 2018: Red Carpet Walk Towards a Better World

In this edition:

  • Some Green Science Policy Accomplishments of the Last Decade

September 2018: Goodbye to the BPA Alphabet Soup

In this edition:

  • Communities Call for Action on the Entire Class of PFAS by Tom
  • Banning the BPA Alphabet Soup by Alexa
  • Historic Ban on Furniture with Flame Retardants by Barbara
  • Online Courses with Parsons School of Design

July 2018: Ten Years! Can You Believe?

In this edition:

  • From Beagles to the Bay–Pet Pesticides are Polluting our Water
  • A Good Reason to Turn off Electronics: Flame Retardant Exposure
  • Are There Batteries in Your Smoke Detector?
  • Sleep Soundly Without Flame Retardants
  • Calendar

May 2018: Kids, Carpets, and Chemicals

In this edition:

  • States stepping up to look for PFAS in drinking water
  • Does your coffee stirrer need to be flame retarded?
  • Chemicals Creeping Out of Your Cabinets?
  • Europe leads on Tris Flame Retardants?
  • Welcome to Arianne Lakra, our new Administrative Specialist

April 2018: 25 Senators making a difference

In this edition:

  • Harmful flame retardant standard — Defeated!
  • German and U.S. EPA concerned about “environmentally friendly” alternatives
  • Inspiration: 2018 Goldman Environmental Awards
  • “Because Health” for Healthy Choices
  • It’s Not Easy Being Green

March 2018: Farewell to Forever Chemicals?

In this edition:

  • Are flame retardants coming back to your couch?
  • Greener Blue Jeans
  • Does your TV case contain toxic flame retardants – that can end up inside you?
  • EU Strategy for a Non-toxic Environment

February 2018: Is That Jacket Making You Fat?

In this edition:

  • Environmental Injustice: The Contamination of the Arctic
  • Oil Fumes With Toxic Flame Retardants on Board
  • Flame Retardants Can Increase Toxic Smoke More Than They Reduce Fires
  • BPA: A High Price to Pay for a Receipt

January 2018: A game of toxic 'whack-a-mole'

In this edition:

  • Join Us at the Flame Retardant Dilemma and Beyond
  • Progress towards healthier building insulation
  • Flame retardant air sampling is for the birds
  • Our scientists letter makes a splash