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See our archive of newsletters dating back to 2015.
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December 2021: Chanukah, Christmas, & Chemicals

In this edition:

  • Healthy Holiday Shopping Guide
  • PFAS Legislation Roundup 2021
  • Misleading Chemical Claims Need to Go
  • Why Such High Levels of PFAS in New Zealand Dolphins?
  • A Toxic-Free Christmas Tree
  • Calendar

October 2021: PFAS Beware! The Comedians are Coming!

In this edition:

  • Third Time's a Charm? Toxic Tris Still in Cars
  • Common Chemicals in Electronics and Baby Products Harm Brain Development
  • Thousands of PFAS, Hundreds of Contaminated Sites, One Home for Data
  • Scientists Urge EPA to Close PFAS Loopholes
  • Purchasing Fire-Safe & Healthier Furniture
  • Antimicrobials in Building Products: Why?

September 2021: Less Carbon, More Toxics?

In this edition:

  • Managing PFAS as a Class: Best Paper Award & Video
  • Parting Words on PFAS
  • Webinar: Purchasing Fire-Safe & Healthier Furniture
  • We’re Breathing PFAS: Study Finds Harmful Forever Chemicals in Indoor Air
  • Upcoming PFAS Reporting Rule for Manufacturers
  • Calendar

August 2021: Chickens, Carpets, and Communications

In this edition:

  • Can You Avoid PFAS in Makeup?
  • Could There be PFAS in Your Carpet? What Can You Do?
  • Protective Public Health Goals for PFOA and PFOS
  • UP Scorecard: A New Tool for Evaluating Food Packaging
  • Welcome to Our New Staff

June 2021: Ugly Chemicals in Beauty Products

In this edition:

  • Are Forever Chemicals Hiding in Your Makeup?
  • Watch Now: PFAS in the Built Environment
  • An Unwanted Ingredient: Chlorinated Paraffins
  • Welcome to Our New Science and Policy Fellow Lydia

May 2021 : Floor-to-Ceiling Forever Chemicals

In this edition:

  • PFAS in Building Materials: Persistent and Pervasive
  • Looking for Health Studies of PFAS? Look No More.
  • Thousands of Industrial Chemicals Identified in Moms and their Babies
  • Hormonally Active Dust

April 2021 : COVID-19 and Dangerous Doorknobs

In this edition:

  • Watch Now: Science and Communication Strategy for Change
  • How to Have “Clean” Dust
  • Avoiding Both Harmful Antimicrobials and COVID-19
  • Toward Toxics-Free Online Shopping
  • Welcome to Our New Science and Policy Fellow, Hannah Ray

February 2021 : Shades of Green

In this edition:

  • 'Green Buildings' with Hazardous Chemicals Aren't Really Green
  • Toxic Metals in Baby Food! Really?
  • California is First to Regulate the Entire Class of PFAS
  • Help Us Improve Our Newsletter and Win a Prize

January 2021: A Fresh Start

In this edition:

  • PFAS, Forever or Never?
  • Science and Communication Strategy Workshop
  • New EPA Announcements on PFAS a Mixed Bag
  • A Big Mistake in Michigan -- Decades Later
  • Could PFAS reduce the effectiveness of your COVID-19 vaccination?

December 2020 : Can Biden and the EU Tackle Toxics Together?

In this edition:

  • Help us improve our newsletter and win a prize
  • The Fossil Fuel to Breast Cancer Pipeline
  • PFAS-free Holiday Shopping
  • Flame retardant-free climbing
  • Seabird Sentinels
  • Calendar

October 2020 : Sharing Our Strategy for Success

In this edition:

  • A Tribute to Jamie Redford and Kirby Walker
  • PFAS Science & Policy Workshop Talks
  • Squash the Quats
  • Clearer Vision with Safe Simple Soap
  • PFAS: When do we really need them?

September 2020 : Sun, Smoke & Mirrors

In this edition:

  • Aerial Fire Retardants: It’s Raining Red
  • Deep-six the C6?
  • Water Filtration May Reduce Reproductive Harm from PFAS
  • Brominated Flame Retardants in Soft Drinks?
  • Welcome Carol Kwiatkowski, PhD, Our Institute’s New Science and Policy Team Member